Letter To Shareholders
The purpose of this letter is to let you know that Unity is still viable and that the assets of the Company are fully intact with over 1400 acres in Warren, Idaho.
Further to the purpose of this letter is to locate all of Unity’s shareholders. Much time has passed since we last corresponded with each of you, so we want to know where everyone is.
The Directors are asking for your help in letting this office know if you have had changes in your address, telephone, etc. And we would very much like to have email addresses if possible. We could disseminate information to you more easily via email.
Unity needs to know where you are. Some of our shareholders have children and grandchildren who have been gifted shares, so we may be contacting family for help with contact information if need be.
Unity’s Directors are working with a geological group, Exploration Resource Services, to locate a partnership or qualified entity to bring the Unity project to fruition. There has been some interest and Unity currently has an offer on the table to lease over four years with option to purchase. Negotiations are in early stages but at least we have companies looking at Unity!
We are very sorry to report that Unity’s President and CEO, Ray G. Bohn, passed away in February 2017. Ray was the last of the original partners who purchased the Unity properties in 1978. Ray was the driving force on this project until his health no longer permitted. He will be greatly missed and never forgotten.
And once again, we thank all shareholders for your extreme patience and perseverance in the long odyssey with this project. The project’s potential for profit remains excellent based on historical data and on today’s prices for gold and silver. Unity’s Directors still believe that all shareholders will benefit from this venture.

Vice President/Director
Unity GoldSilver Mines, Inc.